This gem of house in the Longfellow neighborhood got an offer just 2 days after it came on the market and closed today at a little more than asking price at $182,000. Based on that you might run away with the idea that homes in historic neighborhoods in Iowa City sell themselves. They don’t. The location sells itself. The house doesn’t. Selling a home in an historic neighborhood in Iowa City is exactly the same as any other neighborhood. It needs to show well and be priced right!
When you prepare your house properly for sale AND price it right, the chances are good it will get an offer in the first few weeks of it being on the market. This is true of any home in any neighborhood and especially true for historic neighborhoods in Iowa City. These character filled, charming homes benefit from the location and abundance of amenities close by. The location sells itself. To sell the house you still need to put your best foot forward and de-clutter, paint and generally spruce your house up to be a head turner. AND you need to price it right, which is the real challenge in historic neighborhoods in Iowa City. Prime location does have an impact on the price. The trick is to figure out just how much that translates into in dollars. In other words how high the market will bear before buyers are turned off.
Cardinal Realty got it right with 706 Clark St, Iowa City. Do you have a house in an historic neighborhood in Iowa City to sell? Give Denise a call at 319-400-0268 to get that SOLD sign in your yard!