The links below are to detailed articles on how the process works when you buy a home in the Iowa City area. There’s much more to buying a house than most buyers realize. There are a lot of moving parts that need to fall into place before you can close on the house you want to make your home. A successful move starts with a plan!
Step by Step Guide To Buying a Home

Step One: Getting Pre-approved
Step 2: Wants, Needs & Wishes List
Step 3: Finding the Right Home
Step 5: Inspections and Repairs
Step 7: Closing on Your New Home
Are you ready to work with a Realtor who will help you navigate the complexities of the real estate market, all the while looking out for you and your money? Expertise, support and care are just a phone call, text or email away. Call Denise now at 319-400-0268.